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What's the difference between coaching and therapy?At its core, coaching is designed to be time-limited and goal-directed and helps people get unstuck rapidly and moving forward in their lives. The work is highly focused and action-oriented. Whereas therapy is a longer-range, less specific process. Therapists are trained to assess, diagnose and treat specific mental health conditions, and their work focuses on identifying and treating symptoms. Coaching is not designed to specifically address conditions such as anxiety or depression, however, the coaching process can influence how these conditions impact your life by giving you tools to manage their effects, such as mindset, habit change, and mindfulness strategies, and self-care. Often, therapy involves processing difficulties that arise from the past, such as adverse childhood events or dysfunctional relationships. In coaching, issues from the past are often uncovered, but are not dwelled upon. The coach supports the client to identify what’s holding them back and gives them the tools to transform their obstacles and move forward. Coaches are skilled and compassionate communicators, who are trained to elicit powerful insights in their clients which spurs them to take action. Therapy and coaching can complement each other, but only therapy is specifically designed to diagnose and treat mental health conditions.
How much does it cost to work with you?This will depend on your particular needs. I offer both group and individual coaching options, although in general, most of my clients prefer the highly individualized format of 1:1 coaching, which creates powerful results in a short time. THE LIFE DESIGN PROGRAM is an intensive, life-changing 12 weeks that includes: -An inspiring 60-minute Goal and Intention Setting session to create clarity and vision for our work together -Eleven 50-minute private 1:1 coaching sessions with Leah -Unlimited text and email support for the duration of our work together, -A personalized guided meditation recording to support your transformation. *Sessions take place over Zoom or phone, allowing us to work together from across the globe. Bemidji, MN area clients have the option of meeting in person at Leah's office. INVESTMENT: $2100 Interest-free payment plans are available. Ask for details at your Discovery Call.
Who does this program NOT work for?I only have a limited number of openings for new clients each month in my schedule, so please know that I’m very selective about who I work with, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my program and won’t get the results they would have invested in. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.) The Life Design Program is NOT for those who aren’t ready to commit financially to their transformation, and I won’t work with the kind of person who is looking for an audience to complain to, or chronic skeptics, nor individuals who consistently miss sessions or make excuses in order to keep putting themselves and their health and well-being last on the list of priorities. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not schedule an initial conversation with me, and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
What type of personality do you work best with and what's expected of me?My Life Design Program was created for those who are absolutely ready and fully committed to having a new relationship with their thoughts and habits, in order to create the best life possible. You will be expected to be open to new ideas and ways of looking at things, with a willingness to try a new things, in a gentle and systematic way. Consider what you’ll do with me a to be a transformational experience where you’re consistently taking action. No more worrying that you’ll never fully realize your potential; you’ll open up to a very different way of thinking with my support while you achieve the exciting goal of designing the life you desire and embracing a new way of being, where you are in control of how you experience the world.
Why the high price tag?Here’s what you need to understand about coaching. You’re not paying for an hourly service, you’re paying for a life-changing experience and an amazing, lasting end result. When you enroll in my program, I help you implement a proven system for getting you the outcome you desire in a deeply personalized way, and with a high level of support. Coaching with me is not a vague, mystical process. It is a structured, science-based, goal-oriented system that will get you the results you’re looking for, in the shortest amount of time possible, tailored precisely to your specific needs and circumstances. With an experienced coach in your corner, you have the system, support and accountability, week after week, to get and keep you on track to your goals, allowing you to make massive transformations that don’t end at the conclusion of our time together. You are investing in a gift to yourself that will last a lifetime, a message I hear over and over from my clients. Such as these: “The wisdom and lessons gleaned thru this process of guided self-discovery and self-help are now part of the fabric of my being. My relationships with people I love are stronger, my relationship with myself is stronger, my relationship with money is stronger, my pocketbook is already thicker, and this is just the beginning. I am so much stronger yet so much gentler, in so many wonderful ways.” -Katie “With Leah I learned to implement small and simple changes that have had a ripple effect of lasting positive benefits. My journey did not end when my coaching with her was complete. I will carry the skills I developed with me as I grow. I feel more confident to do things that I want to instead of holding back. Coaching with Leah is a worthwhile investment for anyone who is ready to welcome meaningful change into their lives." -Angela " I thank Leah for helping me come to a new understanding of how I view my life and my challenges, for shifting my perspective around what really matters and focusing on the possibilities of the future! Leah helped me help myself in a way I had never experienced before." -Cynthia “I’m loving it! Best money I’ve spent in a long time!” -Terri Consider for a moment what we easily spend money on in an effort to secure “happiness”... Streaming services and magazine subscriptions… Eating out and drive thru coffee… Vacations where we feel amazing…at least while we’re away. Investing in Life Coaching gives us the gift of a new relationship to our lives and ourselves. Every. Single. Day. This is YOUR life. Why not make it the best life possible… not 10 years from now but starting today? I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is a new relationship to my life and my health worth to me, and if things don’t change, how much would I spend in the coming years searching for a solution to getting unstuck?" For most of my clients, the answer to this question is A LOT. The information and skills you learn - and the personal transformation you make with the program will be with you forever, transforming your health and your life in so many ways.
How soon can I expect results?Your transformation begins the second you say “YES” and continues every day throughout your 90-day experience and beyond.
What exactly is the Life Design Program and what can I expect?The Life Design Program is a holistic journey that engages your mind, body and heart. Using a systematic approach of thoughtful inquiry and reflection, as well as proven, science-based strategies, I can help you transform from feeling stuck, stressed and unfulfilled, to feeling calm, resilient, productive, energized and in alignment with your best self. During the course of our 12-weeks together, some of the work we’ll do includes: Discover what you truly desire in your life, and shine a light on the path to get there. Learn how to implement small changes that create massive transformation. Uncover what beliefs are holding you back and learn how to shift them. Learn how to optimize your habits by utilizing cutting-edge brain science techniques. Develop strategies for overcoming the obstacles that are blocking you from your best life Learn the tools you need to design your best life and reach your goals. Transform your mindset and experience more peace, abundance, and life-satisfaction. Learn many tips, tricks and strategies to manage your health and your life more easily and create greater balance. Clear clutter (emotional and physical) from your life so you can make space for the new you. Explore with curiosity how you are showing up for yourself in all of the areas of your life, and discover which areas are calling to be nourished. Discover and explore all the elements of a balanced life that feed your body and your spirit. Learn how to ask for and receive support (you’re always giving, but who’s giving back to you?) Get honest about what’s working and what’s not working in your career, relationships, family life, spiritual connection and more (where do you say “yes” when you really mean “no”? Put yourself and your health first (this is YOUR time - no more putting yourself last on the priority list.
What kind of clients do you work with?I work with people who struggle with feeling stuck and unfulfilled, to help them ignite their potential, build strength and resilience in the face of life’s challenges, reclaim their power and step into the best version of themselves. My Life Design coaching process is perfectly suited for reaching goals in both health and life.
How can I guarantee myself that I'll get the results I'm looking for?If you’ve tried to make changes and failed in the past, chances are good that you didn’t have the right support, the right system or the right accountability. In the Life Design Program, you’ll get all of these. Part of the reason for the significant investment in this experience is to ensure that you show up for yourself like never before.
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